This is a picture of the snow out my kitchen garden window. Yep, we actually got snow here in Pittsburgh today - about 5 inches! Fun for kids - too bad it wasn't a snow day from school! But snow is snow. My little financial geniouses went out to shovel driveways for money! They made $11 each. Nice people! Have a great rest of the weekend!
This is a picture of the snow out my kitchen garden window. Yep, we actually got snow here in Pittsburgh today - about 5 inches! Fun for kids - too bad it wasn't a snow day from school! But snow is snow. My little financial geniouses went out to shovel driveways for money! They made $11 each. Nice people! Have a great rest of the weekend!
it's crazy but we had a nice sunny day, 76 degrees. being out didn't feel like xmas at all.