Tang Baby, on etsy, occasionally makes these great felted wool beads. I bought two test tubes full of some beautiful colors - why? I have no idea! I liked them, so I bought them! Now I'll have to make a mixed media something out of them!
I did something really exciting last night - I moved all my beading materials off the floor of my bedroom onto/into a desk that my parents gave me! They had a computer desk they weren't going to use anymore, and now it is in my spare bedroom and is going to serve as my beading table! YAY! The kids said, "there's a big empty space in your bedroom - what was there before?" ALL my beading stuff, in boxes and bags. Can't wait to be able to use things and be able to see them too!
i can't wait to see what you make with them. Congrats on your work in Winter Stringing!! :)
I want to do that too!
Great beads! I think I will have to look out for the winter issue of Stringing now too, thanks Lorelei :)
Enjoy your beading table..