Thought I'd better get some photos of Portugal up here, before someone accuses me of not really going! My engineer boyfriend LOVES taking photos of me looking jetlagged (and I always take photos of him using his computer in the airport, on the plane or on the various buses we take when we travel!); here's one for you. I don't think it looks too horrible so I'm willing to put it up! Then the marina in Cascais, and just goes to show you, Hello Kitty is everywhere! Actually there's a lot of Japanese influence in Portugal and vice versa, considering Portugal visited Japan in the 14th century.
Thought I'd better get some photos of Portugal up here, before someone accuses me of not really going! My engineer boyfriend LOVES taking photos of me looking jetlagged (and I always take photos of him using his computer in the airport, on the plane or on the various buses we take when we travel!); here's one for you. I don't think it looks too horrible so I'm willing to put it up! Then the marina in Cascais, and just goes to show you, Hello Kitty is everywhere! Actually there's a lot of Japanese influence in Portugal and vice versa, considering Portugal visited Japan in the 14th century.
I hope you post more photos, I'd love to see the rest.