Lori Anderson (Bead Soup Blog Party) had initiated another swap, a Jewelry Swap. The participants would send each other a piece of jewelry that just did not work for them, and they would re-work it into their own style! Cool! I did not sign up to participate however, because I have had just too much on my plate lately (as evidenced by my lack of blogginess). Here is a list of the participants. I believe they are doing the blog-hop tomorrow so you should check it out!!!
Erin Prais-Hintz http://treasures-found.blogspot.com
Jen Velasquez http://jenjuddrocks.blogspot.com
Johanna Rhodes http://firephoenixcreations.blogspot.com
Laurel Steven http://laurelsteven.blogspot.com
Loretta Carstensen http://www.designsbyloretta.blogspot.com
Lori Anderson http://www.PrettyThingsBlog.com
Mallory Hoffman http://rosebud101-fortheloveofbeads.blogspot.com
Marianna Boylan http://www.stargirlshop.blogspot.com
Norma Turvey http://www.bead dreams and moonlitfantaseas
Sharon Misuraco http://goinoffthebeadinpath.blogspot.com
Stacey Curry http://starhitchedwagon.blogspot.com
Tyne Bodenburg http://www. tynebodennecklaces.blogspot.com
Sorry for the gaff.