My new favorite bead! I was so happy when it went into the kiln, I just couldn't wait to get it out! When the kiln was cool enough, I took it out and...there was a mark on it from the
darn mandrel holder. Oh, well, I still loved it! I was going to wear it on a necklace myself and make another one tomorrow! Look - what's that yellow ball in the sky? The sun! Let's try to take a photo outside, since the girl it out there with her camera too! Clink (not really the sound it made, but I don't know how to make that sound!). See the cute blue wavy ruffle around the outside edge? You
can't see the little chip that was made from the concrete. I had a photo I took, but it wasn't so great - the girl sent me this last night and it was much better!
Oh well. The bead was made from a base of sky blue, and wrapped with aqua and marine wave. I striped it with silvered ivory, made the nice light blue ruffle on the side, and dotted it with cobalt. I guess I will make another. It will be better, anyways!