I have been very patiently waiting for my beads from Barbara Lewis so I can make some more enameled beads and they came today! I'm like a 3 year old waiting for a cookie! Also, I ordered the bunny bead for my daughter's best friend's birthday gift and the sakura flower for me from LeAnn of Summer's Studio! Don't you love getting packages in the mail???? I'm so happy!
I have been very patiently waiting for my beads from Barbara Lewis so I can make some more enameled beads and they came today! I'm like a 3 year old waiting for a cookie! Also, I ordered the bunny bead for my daughter's best friend's birthday gift and the sakura flower for me from LeAnn of Summer's Studio! Don't you love getting packages in the mail???? I'm so happy!
Have a wonderful time creating!
That bunny is SOOO cute!
have fun!