These beads were made with vetrofond dark ivory and I layered some moretti aqua over the top of them, in a similar pattern to the natural patterns of the jasper. They turned out pretty good, I think. I like them enough, anyways. I made them in the lentil shape, instead of nugget.
These beads are the same makeup, but before I layered the aqua, I wrapped the ivory in silver foil. This gives a crackly look to the beads. A more earthy, organic feel - I think I like these better, but I do like both of them. In any event, you'll be able to find them both in my etsy shop and buy them if you like them. You can click on them to make it easier! If you want more, please just let me know - if you want them in a different shape, I can do that too! And thanks, Alyson, for making such a pretty bracelet that it struck me right away!
Thanks for posting the blog!!
p.s. The second set of beads, are now mine! he he he! :)