On Sunday, my wonderful boyfriend (seen below and if he hates his photo on this post I will remove it) took the day off! We went to Ligonier, and had breakfast at the Ligonier Country Inn - they make a great brunch buffet. We filled ourselves up with a couple platefuls, then decided to check out some antique stores in Ligonier. On our way, we decide to go see Andrew Thornton at Allegory Gallery, right on the Diamond! Andrew was there and we had a great chat! I purchased a few "needs" and then we went on our way!
We stopped at this really cool antique and flea market store - I called this the scary room! These hands hanging down are actually glove molds. There's a really huge stuffed buffalo behind them, and a very cool but creepy parrot hanging from the ceiling!

There was even a giraffe in the room!
They had a bunch of cute bird things - I have to say that birds kind of creep me out, even though I really like them! I feed them in the winter. But their feet - creep me out!

Some cool windows just waiting for someone to purchase them - I would have, but I don't know what I would have done with them. But they were great!
The treasure I found in a store on the Diamond - this is going to be great for the Bead Fest show, IF I ever hear from them that I got in!!! LOL!
Then, we came back and had a fire and watched the Steelers lose to Denver.

I love that antique place! The guy in the back is named Brian and he always has the most unique stuff. I am going to try and swing by there and see if those windows are still around. I LOVE them!