In picking my word for this year, I even visited the thesaurus to see if there was a "better" word to pick. However, upon reflection, there was not. My 2011 and late 2010 was filled with many challenges, some good, some not so good. I had some surgeries. Broke up with my partner of 5 1/2 years. Lost my job and insurance because of that. Had to start over not only in the dating world but in the world of figuring out all the man household things and tax things myself. I became re-acquainted with a high school friend who is now boyfriend and biggest fan! I became stronger because of him and that's how he wants it! I found more energy. I had some bad days too, days where I reflected on what my life was, is, and maybe will be. Sometimes that's not the best thing for me to do. I will have some challenges ahead, monetarily. My daughter entering the world of college visits and applications! Figuring out where my son is going to school for 9th grade. I want to m...