Hi! After quite the busy weekend, I am back and trying once again to get into the swing of things. Monday holidays are hard - it delays the start of school and just really throws me off! Two things I wanted to mention to you!
Diana Ptaszynski, of Suburban Girl Studio, is hosting an art bead Earring Exchange! If you're interested, hop on over to her blog for the requirements! I'm in!
Also, have you heard about ArtBLISS? It's a cool conference for us jewelry/beady type peeps run by Jeanette Blix and Cindy Wimmer in the Dulles area. I went last year and had a fantastic time! I'm going again this year, and would love to see you there! If you visit the web site and feel that this is a cool opportunity for you to learn some new techniques, when you sign up, tell them I sent you!
Looking forward to seeing you again at ArtBliss! :-) This year has really flown by so fast, last time seems like yesterday!