I have been absent on blogger here for a few days - I've been busy. It's hard to do things the way you usually do them when kids are home from school. I wish summer break was shorter! Bad mom! There are so many things to coordinate with them, and I have been working on house projects as well as making a bunch of jewelry for my show in October. My basement storage room was painted with waterproof paint on Tuesday by my daughter and I, and I have been pitching junk, rearranging and building shelves, etc. for that room! Another project has been the wall in my backyard by the pool. It was falling over and needed to be replaced, but took longer than I thought it would. Last night we finally started mulching all the planting we did last weekend. I still need to buy some lights and I am going to get some cement Japanese lanterns for the area.
I leave you with a pretty portulaca flower from my yard! It was blooming this morning before it turned 95 degrees outside!
I like what I heard someone say at a meeting, once:
"I am SO busy. My life is full of so many good things."
I'm not sure how good all this heat is....