Last night I was at the U2 concert here in Pittsburgh! While I'm not given to hero worship, every time I listen to these guys or see them in concert (this is my third one) I am reminded why I admire them so much! It was awesome. Interpol opened for U2 - I don't really know who they are and maybe heard one song from them before. They weren't the best band to choose for a venue like Heinz Field, but, whatev - I was there for U2! They came on about 9:10 and opened with David Bowie's Space Oddity. This would be foreshadowing for a really cool experience later in the concert! Gabbie Giffords' husband Mark Kelly recorded a cool special message for this concert while he was in space - it was awesome and gave me chills! Later in the concert, there was a message from Aung San Suu Kyi (which I couldn't hear because at this point I was deaf) who has finally been released from house arrest in Burma for her non-violet demonstrations to bring about Democracy. I had an awesome time and paying for it today, but it was well worth it!