Way back in December, I purchased two Groupon coupons for the
Omni Bedford Springs Resort for me and my sweetie to have a little getaway. Life got in the way for literally four months, and the coupon was set to expire on April 3oth. So in mid-March, I finally got around to making our reservations. As luck would have it (or procrastination) there were no weekends with two nights available. So on Friday we headed to Bedford Springs Resort for one of our getaway nights. Friday was a fairly beautiful day in the 'burgh, and we thought we'd be able to go hiking. Again, as life gets in the way, Jason had to work a lot of the day so we got a later start than we expected. But it was still a very lovely ride together and we arrived after 5 pm.
We checked in, got stuff situated in our rooms, and checked out the place. Wow, it's fantastic! The outside is beautiful and the inside boasts several restaurants, an indoor mineral pool, spa, and much more.

We stopped in the tavern for a beer and the hockey game. They don't get FSN, so we ventured out to Everett, PA to the Union Hotel. They have a basement sports bar and they had the hockey game on and nicely priced pitchers of Yuengling! We had a very nice time together, and went to bed with plans to go hiking on Saturday.

This was our view out the Tavern window on Saturday morning. You can't really see it in the picture, but it's raining sideways! It was cold and windy. So we relaxed a bit over lunch, and went on our way. We stopped in the town of Bedford for some antique browsing. We wound our way home the long way and stopped at a very large nursery full of regular AND unusual plants. I got this lovely little orchid!

Winding our way home, we stopped at a Lowe's to purchase a plant pot for a palm I have. When we got out of the car, we saw this double rainbow! All in all, we had a fantastic time and can't wait to to back to Bedford for the second night of our getaway! We have plans to return in the summer when we can take advantage of all they have to offer, including hiking and trap shooting!

Thank you to everyone for the wonderful comments about my 7000 Bracelets of Hope bracelet! I appreciate each and every comment, and will be visiting your blogs today to see what creations you made!