And some really cool ones, at that! I had fun this week, getting back on the torch after not having worked much in the past month due to my surgery. I enjoyed making these beads and you can find them in the SueBeads etsy store! Now I guess I have to go get ready to pick up my son and take him to my daughter's softball game, which I guess is going to be played in the snain (snow and rain mix) and cold...yuck for the parents!
And some really cool ones, at that! I had fun this week, getting back on the torch after not having worked much in the past month due to my surgery. I enjoyed making these beads and you can find them in the SueBeads etsy store! Now I guess I have to go get ready to pick up my son and take him to my daughter's softball game, which I guess is going to be played in the snain (snow and rain mix) and cold...yuck for the parents!