Regarde, before thee, a photo of two beads. To etch or not to etch, that is the question. I really like the organic quality of the etched bead (the second one), but I also really like the colors that you can see with the unetched bead (the first one). So, my question to thee - to etch or not to etch?
Two things - 1) I apologize for the quality of the photo. While I can somewhat take pictures now, it doesn't mean I can process them. I guess I need to take Photography for Dummies. 2) I am not asking whether you like the actual beads; I realize that question would be one of taste. I am just asking which one you prefer!!!
Thank you!
Edited to add: to see the beads better, you may have to click on the photo to make it bigger. This is my fault - the photo is ok, but like I said, the processing leaves something to be desired! It is hard to see the difference, but the first one is shinier than the second!
These are beautiful!
I like the etched bead better!
Great beads. :o)