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Rebirth of the Sun - December Art Jewelry Elements Theme Challenge

For December, Lesley Watt chose Rebirth of the Sun as the theme for our quarterly themed challenge over at AJE.

"The winter solstice, the rebirth of the Sun, is an important turning point, as it marks the shortest day, when the hours of daylight are at their least. It's also the start of the increase in the hours of daylight, until the Summer solstice  when darkness becomes ascendant once more."

I can honestly tell you that I very rarely set out to "intentionally" make something - I feel that my creativity was killed in school with the "art teachers" who wanted you to do "art" their way, and no other way was right.  I have always dabbled in creative undertakings, thus my glass bead business today.  But I am always searching for things to do with my hands, that feeling you get when you accomplish something all your own, learning something new, something that challenges you.

I recently decided that I was going to attend a bead retreat in Delaware (Bead My Love, wonderful people!) with fellow members Jenny and Diana, because, darn it, I deserved it!  My kit was as follows:

I had no conscious intentions of having something ready for the sun themed challenge - I was basically trying to go with the flow and with what my kit provided!  Below, you can see some steps I went through to get where I ended up!

What was going through my mind as I made this?  I was thinking, as I looked at the polymer clay face and bugle beads, and the flower beads I had brought with me, hmmmm, this kind of looks egyptian to me?  Or Inca?  Or Aztec?

 Egyptian Sun

Aztec Sun Dial

Incan Sun Shield

So, yes, Incan it was.  While of course I had that in the back of my head, it wasn't with *true* intention that I set out to make an Incan Sun God or anything like that.  It was a whisper to me, something I had learned or seen a long time ago that came to my mind as I was able to sit uninterrupted and play with beads!

 So, thank you Lesley Watt, because with this challenge, I learned that although I do not consider myself to be a creative, and sometimes deeply struggle with the thought of giving this all up and just doing my day job, I can be creative!  I just need that time to sit, and to play, and to let things come to my conscious mind that have been locked away by over 50 years of stifling (for lack of a better word) systems.  Am I any kind of expert on Incan art?  NO!  In seed beading?  NO!  Heck, in making glass beads?  NO!!!!! But I actually had fun with this class, the people who were there, girl time, creative time, and maybe just maybe learned that there are things locked away that can influence my art! And maybe in some ways I do intentionally make something, I just don't know it!

Please check out what everyone else made by visiting the links below!

  Guest Designers


Lesley said…
Oh my goodness Sue this is stunning and a perfect evocation of the theme. I'm glad the challenge and the bead retreat inspired you but get those ideas about not being creative out of your head right now because it just isn't the case!
Unknown said…
Absolutely beautiful.
Caroline said…
She's wonderful Sue, perfect beads and a beautiful design!
baymoondesign said…
You have that creative talent! Thanks for sharing the steps that you went through in the design. I can see the design, but the connection of all the pieces baffles me. Well done!
Anonymous said…
I hope you always have fun when you are creating--the results are fabulous.
Tammy Adams said…
I looked over the photos in your post before reading it and I was thinking some kind of ancient goddess influence before I got to the images from Egyptian, Aztec, Incan art. Your piece definitely evokes something from that period and style. It's gorgeous. I love your glass beads and I hope you continue to explore your creative side despite stifling childhood experiences. :)
It's so wonderful what can happen when left to our own devices :-) She turned out beautiful!
Anonymous said…
Isn't serendipity nice? Lovely piece!
Wow - this is such a wonderful piece! I love how you laid out everything and just went with the flow.
Niky Sayers said…
I think you may have to take more time to just sit and play as this piece is just wonderful!!!
Jenny said…
Yes, yes, and Yes. You ARE creative. Its in you. Sure it sometimes gets buried under the detritus of everyday life. But you ARE!
The retreat was so great! Im glad it was for you too. The piece is the perfect sun piece! I love it.
Sharyl said…
I so need to pay more attention to blogs again! What a great event this was and what unusual pieces it inspired. I'm so impressed by your creation, Sue!

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